Friday morning and we get to sleep late! Ken took off work as we are heading to Waco today to set up for Katelyn’s graduation reception. As we go to make our coffee and start our day we are reminded that our fortress has been breached. Christine has five laundry baskets lined up coming out of the laundry room. No one is around, just a line of laundry that looks to be mostly towels, and a lot of towels at that. Coffee and then an extra long shower. Showers are more fun with good soap and no time restraints. Did I mention our hot water heater is 50 gallons? You pay for what is important to you. Ken does not like getting blasted with cold water.
Christine, Sarah, and Lillian eventually wander downstairs and start their day. Mimi play! No mimi work, we need to get packed up. Mimi play! Mimi work. Lillian gets behind me and gently pats the backs of my knees until I walk into the living room. She sits and pats the floor, Mimi play. So, what can a Mimi do? We read books, we pat babies to sleep, we put legos together, then take them apart. Grumpy walks back and forth from the bedroom to the car showing us all how he got that particular nickname. Lillian runs to him and bear hugs his legs, then pats the backs of his knees into the living room and makes him sit. Drumpty play. My turn to pack.
Whirlwind Sarah hits the room, lunch and a diaper bag appear, and Lillian and Sarah are off to work and day care. Christine decides this is too many towels to wash at home and is heading to the laundromat with the remainders of the towels and Sarah’s laundry.
Ken and I look at each other. We have the house to ourselves! But no time to play. We go collect the cake from the bakery and hit the road.
My friend Angela has given me a Learn to Knit kit and I decide that road tripping is a grand opportunity to pay attention to knitting. Since usually my job is navigator and the pointer outer of all things that could potentially involve us in a life ending wreck, Ken is in love with Angela. Before I know it, Jacksontown is here and then we are through it, and I escape with only minor hive irritation.
Our baby is graduating from Baylor. I won’t say Katelyn is the smart one in the bunch of kids that we claim as ours, but I will say she’s the only one that cared about grades. All five of the other kids had other priorities. They can all entertain the heck out of you. Very engaging, creative, fun loving, superb kids. Katelyn is the baby and the first to get through college, and the only one to make Honor Society. She cares about grades. I ask John how school is going and I get “no worries mommy!” and he passes by the skin of his teeth, I ask Katelyn how it’s going and it’s doom and gloom, I’m a failure, I know I bombed that test. Then Oh, I got an A. On the dean’s list for all A’s multiple times. If anyone has a job for a recent Baylor grad with a Bachelors of Art & Sciences in Medical Humanities and Child and Family Development, let me know. She’s looking.
I have left my fortress for two days of real life. Katelyn’s graduation, and I have a new grandson I get to go snuggle. Bonus hugs from his two big brothers. Jett Moeller was born Thursday, May 10, weighing in at 8lbs, 9.5 ozs. and was 21 inches long. Black long hair and lots of it.
Ken is so proud he is practically floating to Waco. Just driving along with the sweetest little grin on his face. We talk about cute little things Katelyn did growing up. How she can’t eat chocolate STILL without getting some on her face. How when she was in kindergarten, I would pick her up from school and ask What did you do in school today, and she would respond I didn’t do it. I had to learn how to ask my questions differently. Tell me about your day Katelyn. Tell me about how the hair on that side of your head is shorter than the hair on the rest of your head. How excited she was that Christmas when we got her a new flute. How beautiful she looked in a pink puffy prom dress that she swore she wouldn’t even try on, but did, and felt like a princess. She floated down the stairs that night. Stunning in her pink, sparkly glory. How dearly we love her.
My heart is full of love. I am out in the world. I am surrounded by beautiful memories.
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