Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are you smarter than a 2 year old?

Yesterday was a rough day. No big issues really, just sitting in the cubicle and it all hit me again. All of the last several months. And for what purpose? Leslie says I make myself crazy looking for the purpose. Sometimes there is no purpose, people are just assholes. Or so afraid for their own jobs that they are willing to sacrifice anyone or anything. I don't understand that mindset. I don't do well in a political corporate environment obviously.

When I got home last night I was going to write about my day. I sat in my recliner, opened my googlebook, and started to type. Lillian came over and was trying to hit the power button. She likes making the screen turn on and off. I kept telling her no, Mimi is using the computer right now. So she slams the lid shut. Almost snapped my fingers in it. Then she starts waving her hands for me to follow her - Come come. right now right now. I open my computer again and she runs over and snaps it shut again. NO NO MIMIS, come come. I stand up and she runs over to the tub of legos and sits, pats the ground next to her and says Sit. Yes Ma'am. We spend the next 15 minutes or so building towers and unbuilding towers. Then we read a book, then lay her doll babies down for their naps, then she hears a plane so we have to run outside and look for it. And then hey look, a rocking horse.

I forgot to play recently and I guess Lillian decided enough was enough, it was time to PLAY. And she was right.

We both end up in the back yard helping Ken put in the line for the drip irrigation for the Crepe Myrtle trees. I had my gloves on and Lillian grabbed them yelling let go let go let go let go. Her little hands fit into the palm area only, but she pushed dirt and tamped it down like a pro. Raking it all down was her favorite job. We talk samari when working. hitcheyaaaaaaaa, boonarrroooodueaaaaaaaaaaa. Her and I back and forth in our made up warrior talk. Even chores can be delightful.

Find your joy. Get it out and exercise it often. It makes all the rest of this bullshit less important.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the two-year-olds do know better. Thanks for the reminder :)
