Sunday, May 13, 2012

Guest post from Christine

Christine didn’t know she was leaving a guest blog, she thought she was leaving a note. I’m going to try and replicate all her font colors to the best of my ability.

Dear Daddy and Tamara,

I really enjoyed my trip! Especially the walk on Main & lunch with Tyler, Tamara, and Lesley.

Now that I have a more reliable car I plan on making the trip at least once a month, there’s usually a time where my schedule lines up and I have 3 days in a row off.

I missed getting to take a walk w/Daddy this time but Sarah, Lillian & I got to take one. I brought the red & white umbrella that was on the kitchen counter & i’m not sure if it was already broken or if the wind did it, but some of the spokes snapped at the hinge. I put it in the back of the purple truck w/the trash but not in the bag on the off chance ya’ll wanted to try and salvage it or the material.

I hope you like your clean kitchen. I thought I should let you know where I put alot of stuff.

1. If it belongs in the bathroom, NOT the kitchen, then I put it in the downstairs bathroom ie lotion, lipstick, frizease, toilet paper, etc. (HAVE SARAH ORGANIZE)


2. I didn’t put medicine in the drawer. I was worried that since it was on the counter it must be used often. So i put it in a small box on the counter. I saw some EXPIRED medicine, which if VERY DANGEROUS. Maybe Tamara could go through it and get rid of the out of date items. It would free up space in the medicine drawer and the box on the counter would no longer be you MORE COUNTER SPACE, so everyone wins. :-)


3. There are 3 different paper stacks.
A) The one on the Island is for the most part mail. It needs to be sorted. There is UNOPENED mail there as well as Boy’s rabies tag.
B) The one on the lower counter next to the cookbooks is mostly emails and other miscellanious things. It also NEEDS TO BE SORTED and filed.
C) The third one is on the Bar. It looked like important paper work for Tamara & I didn’t want to mix it up w/the miscellaneous pile.


4. Daddy, you had TOOLS ALL over the counter. ALL tools and hardware as well as safety sunglasses went into a cardboard box on the counter.


5. Your coffee station had dead bugs all over the counter. I stacked the boxes and tried to make it less cluttered. There was also sugar everywhere. When it gets wet it would attract bugs.


6. The bread and chips are in the cabinet above the forks. Also in the cabinet there were multiple bags of the SAME cereal & snacks. I put the cereal in the tupperware that was empty & taking up space anyway & I combined bags that were halfway full, which gave you room to get the bread and chips off the counter where it was attracting bugs. There were extra chips left over, i put them in a container where the bread used to be.


7. All electronics such as wires & remotes are in a dish on the bar under the clock.


8. I found several flashlights. They are in a container on the bar.


9. I had to throw some food away. There were banana’s w/broken skin, a bag of rotten grapefruit and an oranged that looked fine, but was covered in gnats. w/in 10 minutes of getting rid of these few things the gnats started to disappear. w/in an hour they were gone. I don’t know about you, but if someone cleaned my kitchen w/o being asked and threw out food I would be pissed. Which is why I enclosed a few bucks to replace the food I threw out. NO FOOD ON THE COUNTER! ! Fruit bowls are pretty but it seem ya’ll don’t eat it fast enough and it attracts gnats through the windows.


10. You have a candy dish now.


11. Phone books are under the phone. Genius right?


12. I wiped all the counters. There was dust so thick I had to scrape it off w/my nails. I didn’t want to finish off all your cleaning supplies which is why it’s a little streaky. Sorry. I lysoled the surfaces. Bugs don’t like the smell of cleaning liquids/sprays, I thought it might help with the gnats.

Raid has an insecticide for FLYING INSECTS. At my house I closed the windows, then from the OUTSIDE sprayed all my screens. Since you guys have a porch, the rain shouldn’t wash it off. It acts as a repellant but also kills for like 8 wks. or something like that, so the gnats that sneek through the screen will die shortly after getting which means no eggs in your house. :-)

The coffee station needs to be cleaned again b/c I couldn’t remove all the sugar from the counter.

It’s about 12:45 pm and I should have already left. I love you and I didn’t want to offend you w/this letter. Sometimes I get overwhelmed & don’t know where to start which is why I helped Sarah w/ her laundry & you w/the kitchen. You guys seemed overwhelmed.


p.s. I forgot an item on your list. You now have a pen jar. All pens, pencils, loose markers go in here.

p.p.s. I asked Sarah to put toys Lillian can’t play with w/o supervision out of reach in her (Lillian’s) room. The bar is not a junk drawer, it’s a bar...


  1. What a wonderful daughter! I have some "dust so thick it needs to be scraped off" right here in my kitchen TK, I will let you know if my boyz manage to remove any of it.
    Please post a picture of your new Pen Jar. :-)

    (((hugs))) Julia

  2. My sister is fantastic at this. Her "This is common sense" rules, she got somewhere, and I totally missed 'em. Everyone in the family looks at her, "yeah... right." I was sitting on the floor playing with pens and stuff I guess. I believe you should have a pair of needle nose pliers, a pen, and a small Phillips screwdriver EVERYWHERE. It's not clutter: It saves time.
    Keep up the good work, TK.
    - Nina

  3. I like this Christine, maybe enough to let the grammar and spelling errors go. I have a special place in my rotting heart for people who clean and organize.

    I organize and clean, but live and work with with slobs.

    It's good to see things are getting better for you and I hope your progress continues.

  4. Dear TK,
    Please send Christine up to Nevada asap!

